Wednesday 1 October 2014

Day 9 - 1st October

Day 9 was very much like day 8 and day 7 at the school.  We worked and worked and worked.  However we are making good progress. We have handed back two classrooms, and two more (classroom 3 and 4) should be handed back tomorrow sometime, and the last two rooms are well advanced and looking good for Friday. What is happening now is that as the assembly line roles off one end they are able to be redeployed on other tasks like the storerooms and toilets. All stripping and sanding is now done, and four classrooms have the painting finished. Nearly all the glass louvres have been cleaned and half of them reinstalled with the new frames.  There is perhaps only one door left to re-hang and most have been painted. So as we enter into day 10 and 11 we will see people doing a few different tasks.

Chilly did a task check today. yes he was back with his clip board again wondering around and making notes.  No doubt these notes will be translated overnight into orders for day 10 and we will all be tasked accordingly. We also appear (accordingly to the Chillmaster) to be tracking under budget.  This is definitely thanks to the donations we received from other clubs and individuals who could not come on the project but wanted to help in some small way.  It is probably also due to Chilly's management and tight purse strings (not that we would acknowledge that to Chilly). So we may be able to afford something additional at the end of the project.(and no it will  not be a celebratory party on the last night).

As with previous posts on this blog, the photos will follow, due to our internet issues.  This post is being written while we all sit in the Little Italy Restaurant on the waterfront.  We have invested $4 TOP for wireless access, which is heaps better than what we get in the way of speed at the guest house.

Special guest appearance - The Chilly.
Hi all blog readers, I am finally starting to relax, as we are carrying out the agreed scope within the time and costs available to us.  Today it was very touching as one of the mother's while saying grace before the lunch and thanking us for our work, broke down as she became too emotional to speak.  However the female members in our team were quick to rush forward and give her a hug. This brought her confidence back and she was able to express how grateful she and the other parents are for our help to their school and their children. Stay tuned for the final few days and our successful completion of this stage of the project.

Now the food is arriving and we have important socialising to attend to and some more team bonding, which thus far has been very successful.

Photos to follow.

1 comment:

  1. Great job guys! You must feel so proud, I know I certainly am. Loving reading your progress reports and the photos are brilliant! Here's cheers to all of you!
